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An empty property can sometimes feel stark and impersonal. Previously vibrant spaces might appear cold and unwelcoming. However, marketing an unfurnished property doesn’t have to be a problem. With some creative thinking and considered presentation, those empty rooms can become spaces full of promise.
The challenges of selling unfurnished properties
Data indicates that unfurnished properties typically spend longer on the market than their furnished equivalents. Property professionals note that they often take longer to sell and can sometimes achieve lower sale prices than similar furnished homes.
Surprisingly, unfurnished rooms can often appear smaller than the reality. Without furniture providing perspective, potential buyers find it harder to appreciate how their possessions could fit the space. Bare walls can also make minor flaws more noticeable than they otherwise would be.
However, there are some solutions but the key to selling an unfurnished properties hinges on creating an inviting atmosphere.
Ongoing upkeep
It's vital therefore to keep the property well-maintained. Clean windows, trimmed gardens, and neat exterior spaces demonstrate that the property is well-cared-for and move-in ready.
Keep it warm
An unfurnished property can become chilly quickly, so maintain background heating. This creates both a pleasant environment for viewings and helps prevent damp and mould.
Consider light furnishing
Professional home staging can be costly and often unnecessary. A more economical approach is to employ some basic furnishing—perhaps a table in the kitchen or bedroom furniture in the principal room. This helps demonstrate a room’s proportions and possible layouts without having to fully furnishing it.
Security considerations
Unfurnished properties need extra attention regarding security. Light timers, outdoor security lights, and regular inspections help maintain an occupied appearance and engaging with neighbours can provide another set of eyes.
Focus on the benefits
While unfurnished properties might take longer to sell, they offer distinct advantages:
These advantages should feature in your marketing strategy.
Marketing approach
Successfully marketing an unfurnished property is also hugely dependant on presentation. Professional photography, slick floor plans, and digital tours can help buyers see the potential.
Key points
To enhance an unfurnished property's appeal:
Whether you're selling a property you've vacated or inherited - its unfurnished state isn't a limitation, it's an opportunity, ready to spark buyers' imagination about its potential.
If you are thinking of buying or selling a property, give us a call at Phillip Arnold Auctions - 020 8799 3880. Or, to see our latest properties visit our website.
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